September 27, 2010

farm to market

Fall came like someone flipped a switch this year, the leaves turning & falling almost simultaneously, the hot & humid weather swapped for brisk days & even cooler nights. Everything was a little early this year; pumpkins have already made an appearance, & the market stalls overflowed with autumn bounty. The hot summer weather that crisped our grass made for some incredibly delicious peppers, & we've been stocking up on many different varieties including Hungarian hot wax, poblano, chili, nardellos (fabulous grilled simply with olive oil & salt & pepper) & marconis, & enjoying them throughout the ensuing weeks. We even found some tender & flavorful locally grown young ginger, which is fantastic grated on just about anything.

Autumn is my favorite time of the year, but I can't help but feel a little wistful that it's already here, signaling that the farmer's market will soon close up shop & we will have to wait until next year for fresh, local produce. We are so very lucky to have an abundance of farmers & food artisans in our area, & people who appreciate & support good, local food, from those who grow it to those who prepare it.

We make a habit of freezing freshly picked berries & home grown pesto, & I have made jams & conserves in years past, but I am eager to try my hand at canning next year. Until then, I feel as though we are living like gluttonous bears, happily gorging ourselves in preparation for the long, barren winter.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing that it arrived just like that in Austin, TX too....and for once. It is a rare thing. I just love all these food you write of :>.


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