June 27, 2011

les belles recettes

Vintage French cookbooks made for American audiences, including first editions of the Cordon Bleu & the Art of French Cooking Volume II. I love the illustrations & design of the charming Peter Pauper Press editions, so I threw in a non-Gallic example from my collection as well. Bon appetit!

June 25, 2011

happy weekend

Things are ripening for one of my creative business ventures, as I take the hot & humid days of summer to continue to hone my business plan as well as my skills, & keep my eyes & ears open for a workable venue... in the meantime, touching base with some good folks & seeing friends play music & taking in their art (& even taking some home, lucky me) has been invigorating & inspiring. Wishes for the same for you... any plans to create a little something or see/hear something this weekend? 

June 23, 2011

rough hewn

Beautiful spaces for sale, where the quirky & creative details really pop out without the distraction of furnishings, followed by a couple of pics of a very styled yet stylish lived-in space. Created by the Brooklyn Home Company, a team of architects, designers & artists who exemplify a neo arts & crafts approach, I am quite keen on the mix of modern & vintage with hand-crafted bits. & orange. That kitchen at bottom needs to move in to my house.

from here

June 18, 2011

this is beautiful

Elegy for Robert Rauschenberg   music by Earle Brown  via here

June 9, 2011


It's my birthday week, & right on cue our peony opened to greet my new year. It's also the one year birthday for this little blog of mine - thank you all for a great revolution around the sun - cheers!

June 4, 2011

happy weekend

While our town is besieged by a certain merry madness this weekend, we've opted to take a mellower route & have planned a hike followed by a family cookout, & to take advantage of the relative quiet of the farmer's market & our own garden. Enjoy yours!

June 2, 2011

a strange & beautiful light

Yesterday a series of thunder & lightening storms blew through & brought with them heavy rains & hail (!!). Just south of us in Massachusetts, a tornado touched down. And then, just before the sun fell, this odd & beautiful light.

June 1, 2011